Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Bowing down to worship Jesus our King!

In Micah 6:7(a) - "With what shall I come before the Lord and bow myself before God on high?"

I think Shepherds and Wise men minds were filled with these thoughts:   

"...with all we have and with all we are 
     We have come so far
       To lift Your name...."                                                                                               

During this Christmas time: Help us, God to have same passion to worship the Jesus the King even if we are poor & uneducated like Shepherd or rich & educated like Wise men. For God it doesn't matter. They both got same Invitation to see and worship Jesus. Their purpose and desire to worship Jesus didn't change with their Status in society, Wealth and Distance. Jesus brings all of them to His knees. All our pride, wealth, education, jobs, status doesn't work before Jesus. We got to humble ourselves, keep everything away and worship the King of Kings who is before us.  

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